Lleida habitada

Sandra Alvaro Lleida Habitada

del 9 de febrer al 4 de març

Sala d’exposicions dels Serveis Territorials del Departament de Cultura a Lleida

Rambla Aragó, 8



de dilluns a divendres

de 9 a 14h,  i de 14 a 17h.

Generalitat de Catalunya – Departament de Cultura

Permanent link to this article: https://enlaciutat.es/wordpress/?p=82

Lecture at CNAM

January 4th, 2010

Presentation of WoS/Occupations – work in progress
CNAM (Conservatoire National d’Arts et Métiers)

Seminars of Media Researchers, organised by Proff. Khaldoun Zreik , Paris8

13:00h – CNAM: Amphi G Planté – 1ère étage – 2, rue paul conté – 75003 PARIS


Permanent link to this article: https://enlaciutat.es/wordpress/?p=45

CAC2- Under Construction

Computer Art Congress

Emerging forms of computer art: making the digital sense

March 26, 27, 28, 2008 – Mexico City, Mexico

All rights reserved: Sandra Alvaro

Presentation of the work: Under Construction (link) link to the program

Exhibition: “Emerging forms of digital art”, Museum of Modern Art, Toluca, México. May-April, 2008

Permanent link to this article: https://enlaciutat.es/wordpress/?p=206

Under Construction

Sandra Alvaro: Under Construction on:
Computer Art Congres [CAC.2], Proceedings of the 2nd international congres Toluca & Mexico City. March 26-28, 2008, Edited by Khaldoun Zreik and Everardo Reyes García.
“En Construcció (Under Construction) is an art-device that focuses on the construction of the urban landscape  by the actions of his citizens. This conceives the city as a continuously- changing environment. The city is not only a physical space but also a mental space that is being constructed and reconstructed by the uses and appropriations that its citizens make of the urban landscape.”

Permanent link to this article: https://enlaciutat.es/wordpress/?p=200