PostSensorium festival aims to provide a platform for artistic interventions and critical discussions on the 21st-century’s virtual sensing technologies, science, and aesthetics, reconsidering the relations between the actual and virtual, organic and artificial, natural and techno-social, human and “more-than-human”… Panel 4A. (AI/ECO) INTELLIGENT ECOSYSTEMS AND MORE-THAN-HUMAN CONDITIONS – 25th September Lecture – Aesthetics of …
Tag: Contemporary Art
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Lecture at the 5th Open Fields Conference: ECODATA
October 8-10, online and in Riga, Latvia will take place the RIXC Art and Science festival: ECODATA. The festival will feature exhibition in the physical space at The National Library of Latvia and the RIXC gallery, online conference as well as a hybrid program of online and onsite activities – artistic interventions, screenings, virtual bio/eco-artworks …
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Projects Exhibition by Contemporary Art student’s of Audiovisual Communication (UAB)
Exposició on-line dels treballs de l’assignatura d’Art Contemporani del Grau de Comunicació Audiovisual La rapida evolució i adopció de les tecnologies associades a la computació han modificat els modes en que percebem i construïm el nostre entorn social i cultural. Introduint aquests canvis McLuhan ja va assenyalar el paper indispensable dels artistes en l’anàlisi i …
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