Tag: Ubiquitous Computing

Practiced, Conceived and Lived Space in the Postdigital City – published in STOA, Journal of Architecture

STOA revista de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Cuenca

Alvaro, S. (2022). Practiced, Conceived and Lived space in the Postdigital City. Estoa. Revista De La Facultad De Arquitectura Y Urbanismo De La Universidad De Cuenca, 11(22). Recuperado a partir de https://publicaciones.ucuenca.edu.ec/ojs/index.php/estoa/article/view/3950 Abstract: The pandemic has highlighted the fast transmission of needs, goods andideas that sustain the functionality of our globalised, networked world.At the same …

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Permanent link to this article: https://enlaciutat.es/wordpress/?p=885


Welcome to the all-connected world of IoT

    The Interned of Things is not a technology but the conceptual framework of the next technological evolution. It consist of embedding computing capabilities into quotidian objects, in such a way they can gather data from the environment and communicate one each other. The development of Smart Objects involved in new functions aimed to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://enlaciutat.es/wordpress/?p=692

Algorithmic Culture

graphics Algorithmic Culture

Algorithmic Culture by Sandra Álvaro (2013 – 2017) Compilation of critical texts addressing the spread of the pervasiveness of data-processing and the devices, disciplines, and societal challenges related to this event. The texts by Sandra Álvaro Sanchez have been originally published at the Blog of the CCCBLab DO – 10.13140/RG.2.2.23353.06248 Available on-line

Permanent link to this article: https://enlaciutat.es/wordpress/?p=645

Lecture at the Open Fields Conference 2017: Virtualities and Realities

Behind the Black Mirror - Sandra Alvaro

RIXC ART SCIENCE FESTIVAL – October 19-21, 2017 Art Academy of Latvia, National Art Museum, kim? and RIXC Gallery in Riga   VIRTUALITIES AND REALITIES aims to establish a space for artistic interventions and conversations about the complex implications of augmented and virtual reality. Immersive technologies coupled with virtual environments, artificial intelligence algorithms, faster processors, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://enlaciutat.es/wordpress/?p=636

Ph.D thesis: PostDigital City: Aesthetics and Politics in the Space of Embodied Virtuality

Sandra Alvaro - PhD Disertation

Thesis Defense PostDigital City: Aesthetics and Politics in the Space of Embodied Virtuality Sandra Álvaro Sánchez Departament de Filosofia UAB Directors/tutors: Dr. Khaldoun Zreik (Université Paris8), Dr. David Casacuberta Sevilla (UAB) Jury:: Dr. Jean Attali (ENSA de Paris-Malaquais) Dra. Anna Estany Profitós (UAB) Dr. Ramón Sangüesa i Solé (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) Venue: Monday, 28th …

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Permanent link to this article: https://enlaciutat.es/wordpress/?p=597

Lecture at ISEA 2015: “Disruptive Strategies in the PostDigital City”


Sandra Álvaro Sanchez: “Disruptive Strategies in The Postdigital City”. Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Electronic Art. pp: 133-136, ISSN: 2451-8611 ISBN: 978-1-910172-00-1 https://www.isea-archives.org/docs/2015/proceedings/ISEA2015_proceedings.pdf Abstract: The development of the sociotechnical apparatus shaping our Post-Digital space and culture ran simultaneously with the conception of a relational and processual reality and the development of computation and …

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Permanent link to this article: https://enlaciutat.es/wordpress/?p=566

“New practices in urban art: The art as an interface of the city”

“New practices in urban art: The art as an interface of the city” by Sandra Alvaro Paper presented on the second workshop with Laboratoire Paragraphe – Université Paris 8 Abstract: The ubiquity of computing on the daily life has been accomplished by the generalisation of the use of smart phones and other networked devices. This …

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Permanent link to this article: https://enlaciutat.es/wordpress/?p=191