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The documentation process of Walking on the Street was carried out in Paris (2009-2010). During the research stage in the laboratory Paragraphe/CITU of the University Paris 8. Around metro station Courones, Belleville a meeting place in Paris, .

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WoS/Occupations es uno de los primeros dispositivos generados a partir del proyecto “Walking on the Street”. “Sphère publique : espace où les hommes apparaîtrent tous ensemble en égalité au même temps qu’ils conservent ses distinctions, et où il est possible l’apparition de la réalité partage et diverse qui est propre de la pluralité.”Hannah Arendht: “La …

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Lecture at CNAM

January 4th, 2010 Presentation of WoS/Occupations – work in progress CNAM (Conservatoire National d’Arts et Métiers) Seminars of Media Researchers, organised by Proff. Khaldoun Zreik , Paris8 13:00h – CNAM: Amphi G Planté – 1ère étage – 2, rue paul conté – 75003 PARIS .

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CAC2- Under Construction

All rights reserved: Sandra Alvaro

Computer Art Congress Emerging forms of computer art: making the digital sense March 26, 27, 28, 2008 – Mexico City, Mexico Presentation of the work: Under Construction (link) link to the program Exhibition: “Emerging forms of digital art”, Museum of Modern Art, Toluca, México. May-April, 2008

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Under Construction

Sandra Alvaro: Under Construction on: Computer Art Congres [CAC.2], Proceedings of the 2nd international congres Toluca & Mexico City. March 26-28, 2008, Edited by Khaldoun Zreik and Everardo Reyes García. “En Construcció (Under Construction) is an art-device that focuses on the construction of the urban landscape  by the actions of his citizens. This conceives …

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