Category: Gallery


MORILLE (SALAMANCA)27, 28, 29 Y 30 DE SEPTIEMBRE El Seminario Internacional Ruinas y Descampados se centrará en los paisajes olvidados y arruinados por la furia del progreso. Al respecto, se debatirá sobre fábricas y minas abandonadas, puertos en decadencia, pueblos sumergidos por las presas, urbanizaciones nunca habitadas o bosques plantados y luego olvidados. A pesar …

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Workshop “Interactive Art and Posthuman thought II” at Interface Cultures Program – Art University, Linz

Posthumanism Diagram

Interface Cultures lädt zum zweitägigen Gastworkshop von Sandra Alvaro, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Short intro“Interactive Art and Posthuman thought” is a theoretical workshop aimed to introduce the students to the development of this current of thought and the entanglements between art science, computation and politics that accompanied its evolution.The workshop consists of two sessions, …

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Lecture at POSTSENSORIUM – RIXC Art-Science Festival 2021

PostSensorium RIXC-2021

PostSensorium festival aims to provide a platform for artistic interventions and critical discussions on the 21st-century’s virtual sensing technologies, science, and aesthetics, reconsidering the relations between the actual and virtual, organic and artificial, natural and techno-social, human and “more-than-human”… Panel 4A. (AI/ECO) INTELLIGENT ECOSYSTEMS AND MORE-THAN-HUMAN CONDITIONS – 25th September Lecture – Aesthetics of …

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Exposició: ‘Art Postmedia Nous Formats i Comunicació’ a la Biblioteca d’Humanitats de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Art Posmedia: Nous Formats i Comunicació

Aquesta exposició mostra el programa realitzat per Sandra Alvaro per l’assignatura d’Art Contemporani del Grau en Comunicació Audiovisual de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona mitjançant una selecció dels treballs realitzats pels estudiants. L’assignatura d’Art Contemporani del grau de Comunicació Audiovisual introdueix l’alumnat en l’ecosistema de la creació contemporània, fent especial atenció a com aquest …

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Lecture at the 5th Open Fields Conference: ECODATA


October 8-10, online and in Riga, Latvia will take place the RIXC Art and Science festival: ECODATA.  The festival will feature exhibition in the physical space at The National Library of Latvia and the RIXC gallery, online conference as well as a hybrid program of online and onsite activities – artistic interventions, screenings, virtual bio/eco-artworks …

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A topological space for design, participation and production. Tracking spaces of transformation – Publication at the Journal of Peer Production

Tracking Spaces of Transformation - Data visualization

A topological space for design, participation and production Álvaro, Sandra (2019), “Atopological space for design, participation and productio” at The Jornal of Peer Production, Issue #13 open (April 2019) ‘Space of transformation’ is a concept borrowed from Serres’ communication theory and here redefined after the evolution of the post-digital milieu and the materialistic critique of …

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Workshop “Interactive Art and Posthuman thought” at Interface Culture Program – Art University, Linz

Interactive Art and Posthuman Thought Visualizing the evolution of Posthuman Thought through the Interactions between Art-Philosophy-Science. Workshop by Sandra Alvaro Interface Culture Program – 6 and 9 of Mars 2020 “Interactive Art and Posthuman thought” combines theory (lectures and in-class text commentaries) and practice (drawing networked diagrams) to illustrate the relationship between the evolution …

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Projects Exhibition by Contemporary Art student’s of Audiovisual Communication (UAB)

Contemporary Art Students Exhibition

Exposició on-line dels treballs de l’assignatura d’Art Contemporani del Grau de Comunicació Audiovisual La rapida evolució i adopció de les tecnologies associades a la computació han modificat els modes en que percebem i construïm el nostre entorn social i cultural. Introduint aquests canvis McLuhan ja va assenyalar el paper indispensable dels artistes en l’anàlisi i …

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Preparing for the next course 2019-2020 at the UAB

We are in the middle of a heatwave and ready to leave the city for surfing on our favorite coast. However, we would not leave before setting up our September incoming obligations. Next course will be especially exciting for me, because, in addition to my course “artistic teams management” at the UEMC (Universidad Europea Miguel …

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Taula rodona “Robots famosos i socials: el debat ètic i social de la robòtica al cinema una realitat cap al futur”

Robotica Social

Dins del programa de la setmana de la Róbotica Social La robòtica va introduint-se en el nostre dia a dia amb múltiples aplicacions que ja han traspassat l’àmbit industrial per fer aportacions en els àmbits socials, de gestió intel.ligent de la ciutat i de suport a la dependència. D’aquí que fem la proposta de promoure …

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